
Flexi-deck allows you to define a set of actions that are used to automate a task you wish to perform within the system or a specific application.

Flexi-deck comprises the software to create and playback the macros which are held within project files.

It is useful to understand the various components involved and how they are utilised within Flexi-deck.


Flexi-deck is one application that preforms various functions and runs in different modes.

Flexi-deck can run in fully functional Creator 30 day trail mode with play back (player) capabilities.
Flexi-deck can run in fully functional licenced Creator mode with play back capabilities.
Flexi-deck can run in free player mode with restricted play back capabilities.
Flexi-deck can run in licensed mode with fully play back capabilities.

On a  new system, the software initially installs the fully functional 30 day trial 'Creator' mode and hence always starts off as Flexi-deck Creator. The trial version picks up a 30 day licence key from the Flexi-deck licence server and, as long as the trial version can access the licence server whilst running, it will remain in Creator mode.

Creator mode allows you to create onscreen menus with the Menu Editor and define actions using the Macro Editor that are used to control the automation process. These can then be played back as required using the Player function, a background process looking for triggers to invoke the menus and macros.

Each time it loads during the trial period it will remind you that you are running in the trial period and allow you to continue or purchase and enter a license key to exit the trial period and licence the software.

At the end of the 30 day period the software will prevent you from using the Macro Editor and remove menu creation functions, only offering menu control options until licensed and  revert to 'free' player mode only.

Projects / Libraries

A project file contains a collection of menus and macros (action sets) created within the Flexi-deck Creator. Where a set of menus and actions are created for controlling a specific application, this is also referred to as a macro library, such as Logic Pro Macro Library.

Project files are initially created as standard (open) projects with the file extension .fdproj. These can be loaded, modified and saved by the 30 day trial or a licensed version of creator.

Thereafter, standard projects require a licensed version of Creator or Player to run.

Flexi-deck professional projects/libraries can be converted to projects referred to as Premium libraries, with the file extension .fdprojp. These projects can be loaded and used but not modified. They often, but not always, required a project license key to run, see table below.

The conversion tool is used internally to convert projects for distribution via the Flexi-deck web site and store. Please contact us via our Contact form for more information on Premium projects.

There are three different types of premium libraries:

Type Description 
 Free Can be loaded and used for free in the Flexi-deck 30 day trial or licensed version of the Creator or Player.
 Single use A library from a group of Premium libraries, whereby only one can be loaded for free at a time. To load more than one of the group at the same time requires a library licence key for the additional loaded group libraries. An example of this type of library are the numerous DAW Plugin Launchers that have been created to automatically load an Audio Plugin from different Plugin developers.  You can load and run one free Plugin at a time, but to have two or more plugin libraries active at the same time, requires the additional plugins to be licensed.
 Licensed  A licence key is required to run the library.