User defined hotkeys
Macros can be associated with a keyboard shortcut, commonly known as Hotkeys. A hotkey is key sequence used to invoke an event, in this case run a macro, and is normally the combination of a keyboard modifier key (s) plus a standard key and the event is triggered while pressing the last key of the shortcut.
Modifier keys typically are Command ⌘, Shift ⇧, Option ⌥, Control ⌃ and function keys Fn.
The Flexi-deck Hotkey Editor is invoked either from the Flexi-deck menu bar item, or the Macro Editor (for the current macro), and simply allows you to manage your Flexi-deck hotkeys. The Macro Info is the description associated with the macro in the Macro Editor.

From the Macro Editor you can select the Edit Hotkey option (to edit an existing hotkey or create a new one) or simply drag the macro on to an existing hotkey entry to set the macro to that hotkey.

When multiple projects are loaded and there is a clash of hotkey definitions within the separate projects, i.e. macros define the same keyboard shortcut, then in this situation the macro from the active project is used, or failing that, the hotkey from the project whose name comes first alphabetically.
Macro Editor hotkeys
The hotkeys above are associated with completed and tested macros and are used in a 'live' environment to invoke the macro playback.
However, during the macro construction phase, default keyboard shortcuts are available to test the current macro as described here.